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Pilates and the Menopause part 2. A personal story

So, even though I was on HRT, I was living with hot flashes that flared up unpredictably and were increased by my embarrassment. I hated being suddenly hot and hated being out of control and hated that my situation was obvious to others. I hated that I was distracted and red faced and sweating while engaging with my Pilates clients or work colleagues. Looking back, it’s such a huge thing and affected me in many ways. I began to wear lighter layered clothes so I could reduce my temperature fast...

September 29, 2024

Pilates and menopause Part 1. A personal tale.

We are finally talking about the menopause, how it affects our day-to-day health and wellbeing, and our future health and wellbeing. As a Pilates teacher I’m super interested in how Pilates can help us as we navigate this life phase. I’m also educating myself about what else we can do to help with the symptoms and the longer-term effects that our plummeting hormones produce. ...

September 29, 2024

Small steps to Better aging

Here are a few simple changes in our lifestyle that can dramatically improve our vitality and slow the aging process down.Feeling better, healthier and happier can be a reality, whatever our age.Let’s bring vitality to our steps, boost our immunity, and increase our energy, all with some little lifestyle changes.Let’s explore some of these effective step changes so we can all start living younger for longer and stronger for longer !Firstly remember we are not destined to follow the exact sam...

July 4, 2024

Pilates Frequently Asked Questions

-Pilates is a unique form of exercise that focuses on strengthening the core muscles first, then the joints and postural muscles, then the limbs, improving flexibility, and enhancing overall body alignment and posture. All this using resistance from within and supported by springs, spring resistance.Find out more about Pilates here ...

April 10, 2024

What to expect from a Good Reformer Pilates Group Class

·      You will feel calm and mindful, present and focussed, aware and aligned.·      Your teacher will explain how to engage your core, strengthen your core and use your core during the class.·      Your Teacher will set you up for each exercise with a clear idea how to position yourself on the Reformer safely and in correct alignment....

February 24, 2024

Co-ordination in life and Pilates practice

Pilates, the exercise method developed by Joe Pilates, has a set of principles that guide practitioners towards a healthy, balanced body and mind, and describe how Pilates differs from other excercise forms. One principle is co-ordination, which underpins efficient movement, complex movement and managing changing alignment of limbs and torso in tempo. Let's explore the significance of coordination in our everyday lives and in our Pilates practice, highlighting its benefits and ability to enhance...

November 30, 2023

Atomic Pilates. How to build an unstoppable Pilates Habit

In the quest to look after ourselves and others, for a strong and flexible body, also for health and well being, Pilates is a powerful choice for those of us who want to transform their physicality and energy levels. Establishing a consistent Pilates practice can be challenging though. Especially so, for busy people like working Mums, who find it hard to prioritise their own needs...

November 3, 2023

Flow with Pilates

Pilates is a widely recognized exercise method well known for its focus on core strength, flexibility, and body awareness. One of the less known key principles of Pilates is flow, which refers to smooth, continuous movement performed with control and precision. While flow is an aspiration within the Pilates studio, its benefits extend far beyond the Pilates mat or Pilates reformer, making it a valuable idea to incorporate into our everyday lives....

September 29, 2023

Men and Pilates

Pilates has long been associated with women, often thought of as a workout primarily designed for them. However, this is a misunderstanding it would be good to correct. Pilates was invented by a man, Joe Pilates, and he focussed mostly on men, and working with men, but did not exclude women. The reasons that Pilates was mainly co-opted by women is multifaceted and I’ll talk about that story in another blog. Pilates is a suitable and effective exercise regime for men as well, offering numerous ...

August 18, 2023

Centering, a Pilates Principle

Pilates is not just a workout; it's a whole-body approach to fitness and well-being. One of the 6 fundamental principles of Pilates is centering, which refers mainly to the cultivation of core strength and mental focus. Centering also refers to a felt sense of where we need to move from. A sense of balance and equilibrium. In Pilates, movement is intiated from the core, the centre of the torso, from what Joe Pilates called our power house. The core is is made up of a group of muscles located in ...

July 5, 2023

Pilates Principles ! Balance it out !

When the two Pilates teachers, Philip Friedman and Gail Eisen, decided to write the first Pilates book (excepting those written by Joe Pilates himself) they wanted a way to describe and explain how Pilates is different from other ways of exercising. What you might call ‘the Pilates difference’. Philip and Gail wanted to give their readers points of focus to increase their understanding of the thinking part (the mind of mind, body, spirit) embedded in the Pilates method and so increase the ef...

May 30, 2023

Easy Tips to live longer and stronger

Our bodies haven’t changed much over many thousands of years. We are still built to move in all the ways our hunter gatherer ancestors needed to. With today’s transport systems, effort saving white goods, power tools and gadgets, plus our use of screens that glue us to our chairs, what is the outcome ? Aching hips and backs, stiff necks, sore knees, and a big down curve for many indicators of good health.It is better to think about pain and discomfort in the body not as damage or trauma...

April 20, 2023

Who's got your Back ?

Whose got your back?We’ve got your back!Pilates is well known for helping people cope with and recover from lots of back problems. From low back pain to sciatica, and many more painful and debilitating back conditions, Pilates can be a positive part of your recovery.Do you know that Joe Pilates said,“If your spine is stiff at 30, you are old.If your spine is flexible at 60, you are young.” ...

March 11, 2023

How many steps is enough ? The 10,000 step question.

Walking is great for our health, both mental and physical. But how much walking is enough ? People believe that we ‘should’ walk 10,000 steps a day for health, but did you know The 10,000 steps protocol originated back in 1965 when a Japanese company made a device called Manpo-kei. This translated to ’10,000 steps meter’ and it was intended as a marketing tool for their pedometer. So that’s what started the idea of needing to achieve 10,000 steps a day. Marketing, Not Science ! ...

October 14, 2022

Pilates Powers for rehab and pushing away the Winter blues

Pilates Power for rehab and to push back the Winter blues and look to the Spring If you have been injured or if an old injury has flared up because you have been ill and off Pilates and your normal routine, it can feel natural to stay home and “protect” your shoulder or hip etc.. . Thing is, did you know that one of the reasons Joe Pilates and his Pilates method got so famous was because of rehab successes. ...

August 19, 2022

Is Pilates your Answer to stress incontinence

Do you live in fear of a cough, a laugh, a sneeze, or even the once-simple act of doing a star jump? Maybe you have stopped running around with the kids or grandkids for fear of what might happen? If so, you are far from alone. It is estimated that 1 in 3 women will experience stress incontinence. While this issue can be embarrassing and distressing, it doesn’t always have to be a life sentence. There are various ways to work on strengthening your bladder control, and Pilat...

May 30, 2022

Recovery from C19 Breathing issues

Pilates has a unique approach to breathing that can help us to recover from C19 and improve outcomes for other respiratory diseases. Here at Turning Tide Pilates we teach two main approaches to breathing. Belly breathing and lateral breathing. There are some key points with both types of breathing. We slow the breath down We breath in through the nose We lengthen our exhales We consciously activate the accessory breathing muscles or core muscles Slowing the breath and Especially slowing the out ...

April 5, 2022

Can Pilates Reformer and Pilates Mat make me stronger ?

The simple answer is, Yes ! Pilates is great for strength building. The kinds of strength building that Pilates is especially good at are core strength, tensegrity or integrated strength, and bone strength. These kinds of Pilates given strengths serve to underpin the more familiar strength building of the arms, legs and shoulder muscles. ...

March 2, 2022

Can Pilates help my headache?

Headaches have many different causes and different symptoms. There are two main categories of headache identified by doctors, Primary and Secondary headaches. What are called primary headaches can be very debilitating and distressing but are not a serious health threat. Secondary headaches can be an indicator of a serious health condition. ...

January 7, 2022

What are our Pilates super powers at Turning Tide Pilates ?

We specialise in teaching Pilates Reformer and Pilates studio equipment classes in Titirangi West Auckland. That means teaching Intelligent exercise, personally tailored to the individual client. Looking at where they are now and where they want to get to, we design an approach that really sees each person with their unique situation, wants and needs.  ...

November 1, 2021

Pilates and Bone Health

There are many components to good bone health and exercise is a key ingredient. Pilates has been shown to be particularly good at helping to strengthen the spine and protect it against bone and muscle loss because of the Pilates emphasis on the core. When we work to strengthen the core in Pilates, we are strengthening the whole trunk area including the lumbar spine.  ...

October 18, 2021

Pilates and Brain Health

Pilates can help your brain health because research shows our levels of physical activity in mid-life are strongly related to our levels of brain health as we age. The equation is simple, the more fitness you maintain the lower your chances of developing dementia and other signs of poor brain health. Exercise is more powerfully linked to good brain health than all the other life-style choices and habits researched for optimal brain health. The link between exercise and a healthy brain persists e...

September 30, 2021

Reformer Pilates

Reformer Pilates is “having a moment”. Suddenly specialised studios are popping up all around, teaching and promoting “Reformer Pilates” and the Reformer is being mentioned in write ups about current go to fitness and wellness methods.  Pilates on the Reformer has actually been around for about 100 years and the equipment is, in all important aspects, the same as it was back at the start, just more polished, more engineered and available in new materials and colours. ...

September 9, 2021

Pilates pandemic story

Joe Pilates and the 1918 Flu pandemic. Joe is the one standing centre, not in a white coat in this photograph taken in the internment camp. Here’s the story. Joe Pilates was in an internment camp for the duration of WW1 and was imprisoned there during the flu pandemic that arrived world wide and into Joe’s camp in 1918....

August 20, 2021

Pilates for your bad back.

The main reason Pilates is so helpful for bad backs is because Pilates strengthens the muscles that support the back. We call those muscles “the core”, “the powerhouse” or your “centre”.  And the reason Pilates Reformer and Pilates studio equipment are extra super helpful for bad backs is that the Pilates Reformer supports the back while strengthening the core. ...

August 10, 2021 Posts 1-25 of 36 | Page next

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